Marriage Registration in Samui

Marriage Registration in Samui
Marriage Registration in Samui
Marriage Registration in Samui

Thinking of getting married in Thailand? Koh Samui is very popular with foreign couples and hosting lavish weddings on Samui island. The process for two foreigners getting married can be complex at times. Getting married and registering your marriage in Thailand  can be complex if you and your fiancee are not from the same country. Since it is more complex let me explain what would typically happen when getting married in Koh Samui and the procedures that normally are followed.

Firstly both you and you fiancee must be single and able to marry. By this I mean that should one of you be divorced, you would need a copy of your divorce decree with you before you get to the embassy. If you are thinking that you can obtain those documents at your embassy – forget it! If you fiancee had a wife/husband who has since passed away a death certificate would be needed. This again you are not going to obtain from your local Embassy in Bangkok. Bring those documents from home with you. Now, getting married is the easy part. It makes no difference if you are Catholic or Muslim it can all be done in Thailand which makes Thailand great! It is the registration part which can be tough.

Once you have your death certificate of your husband/wife or divorce decree with you, you take this with to your respective Embassies in Bangkok. The Embassy will require you to complete a form which you would have to collect the following day basically stating that you are able to get married. The following day you collect what is called your affirmation andtake this down to a ceritified translator. Once this documents, death/divorce certifactes have been translated you need to take the documents down to the Thai Department of Foreign Affairs. This would be to verify that the documents from the Embassy is real and that it has been verified.

This department is close to the old airport in Bangkok and it takes 4-5 hours to obtain this confirmation which is essentially astamp at the back of the documents which states – verified. If you are doing it yourself, look at speanding the day there as it takes long. Now, once you obtain this verification you have to take these documents down to the Amphurs office and they will then after about an hour issue you with a Thai Marriage Certificate. Yes it takes long and Bangkok traffic can be a killer when on honeymoon. Most people tend to drop off all their documents with an attorney and let them do all the running around for them. Speak to us online or visa live chat on our main website for more details. Alternatively call our tollfree US or UK telephone numbers for a confidential chat with one of our attorneys who could assist you.

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