Set Up a Representative Office in Thailand

Thailand, with its strategic location in Southeast Asia and a vibrant economy, has become an attractive destination for businesses seeking expansion in the region. For those looking to establish a physical presence without engaging in commercial activities, setting up a Representative Office (RO) in Thailand is a viable option. This article provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the process of establishing a Representative Office in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Understanding a Representative Office:

A Representative Office is an entity that allows foreign businesses to have a physical presence in Thailand without conducting operational or revenue-generating activities. Instead, the primary purpose of an RO is to engage in market research, liaise with local partners, and promote the parent company’s products or services.

Key Steps in Setting Up a Representative Office:

  1. Eligibility and Scope:
    • Before initiating the setup process, it is crucial to confirm the eligibility of the business to establish an RO in Thailand. Generally, only foreign companies with a track record and a clear business purpose for setting up an RO are eligible.
  2. Selecting a Location:
    • Choose a strategic location for the Representative Office. The location should align with the business objectives and provide easy access to potential clients, partners, and government agencies.
  3. Local Representative:
    • Appoint a local representative or a representative director who will act as the liaison between the RO and Thai authorities. This individual should have a good understanding of local business practices and regulations.
  4. Registration with Thai Authorities:
    • Submit the required documents to the Department of Business Development (DBD) under the Ministry of Commerce. The application typically includes the company’s registration certificate, the parent company’s financial statements, and details about the proposed RO’s activities.
  5. Approval Process:
    • The DBD reviews the application, and upon approval, issues a certificate of registration for the Representative Office. This process may take several weeks, and it’s essential to stay informed about any additional requirements or changes in regulations.
  6. Tax Registration:
    • Register the Representative Office with the Revenue Department for tax purposes. Although an RO is not allowed to generate income in Thailand, it is required to comply with tax obligations related to its activities.
  7. Bank Account Opening:
    • Open a bank account in the name of the Representative Office. This account is essential for conducting administrative transactions and complying with financial regulations.
  8. Compliance with Labor Laws:
    • Familiarize yourself with Thai labor laws and ensure that the employment of staff in the Representative Office complies with local regulations. While ROs are limited in their ability to hire local staff, they may employ foreign staff after obtaining work permits.

Challenges and Solutions:

  1. Language and Cultural Differences:
    • Overcoming language barriers and understanding Thai business culture is essential. Engaging bilingual staff or local consultants can assist in effective communication and integration.
  2. Legal Compliance:
    • Regularly update yourself on changes in Thai business laws and regulations. Engaging legal advisors with expertise in Thai corporate law ensures ongoing compliance and risk mitigation.
  3. Limited Activities:
    • Recognize the limitations of an RO – it cannot engage in profit-generating activities. If a company plans to expand into operational activities, alternative business structures, such as a branch or subsidiary, may need to be considered.


Setting up a Representative Office in Thailand is a strategic move for businesses seeking to establish a presence in the Southeast Asian market. By meticulously navigating the regulatory landscape, understanding local business practices, and ensuring ongoing compliance, companies can leverage the benefits of a Representative Office to facilitate market entry, build relationships, and lay the groundwork for future business activities in the Kingdom of Thailand.

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